Halloween Safety Tips for MINI Drivers and Trick or Treaters
The spookiest day of the year is upon us; ghosts, witches, superheroes, and monsters will be wandering our neighborhoods looking for candy and treats!
Tips for Drivers
There will be more pedestrians out on the road, many distractions to pull your focus away, and opportunities for accidents. It’s important to know the tricks to driving through Schaumburg or surrounding towns for a safer trick-or-treating experience for everyone.
- Slow Down. It’s recommended to drive below the speed limit in residential areas during the peak of trick or treating hours as there will be more kids on the street.
- Put Your Cellphone Away. Pull over safely to check voicemails or text messages, if necessary.
- Turn on Your Headlights. Make sure your car is visible by turning your headlights on, even during the day. It makes it easier for pedestrians to see you.
- Make Your Stops Longer. When approaching crosswalks, stop lights, stop signs, yields and any other type of stop you encounter on the road, allow for a little more time. The excitement of candy can have trick-or-treaters eagerly rushing to the next house. Check multiple times before you start moving.
- Pull Over in a Safe Location. If you are dropping off children, make sure you pull over to a curbed area and away from traffic. Turn your hazard lights on to alert other drivers.
- Do Not Drink and Drive. If you’re drinking, don’t drive. Make sure to have a designated driver or use a rideshare or taxi to get around safely.
Tips for Trick or Treaters
Road safety is important for those behind the wheel, but it is also important for those going door to door.
- Walk, Don’t Run. We know it can be exciting to get the candy but try at a slower pace, so the drivers have time to see you.
- Stay on the Sidewalk. Children should stay on the sidewalks instead of walking in between cars or on lawns to avoid any tripping hazards. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road where you are facing traffic.
- Look Both Ways. Parents and children should remember to look both ways when crossing the street and driveways.
- Avoid Crossing Behind Vehicles. Remember if you can’t see them, they can’t see you. Always cross where it is safe.
- Make Yourself Visible. Try adding glowsticks to your costume or carry a flashlight so it can be easier for vehicles to spot you.
By being cautious and mindful of safety this Halloween, you can make sure the holiday is a treat for all. Happy Halloween!
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